Building in Spring Lake Township
Development Standards
It is the goal and objective of the Township of Spring Lake to provide high quality and cost effective infrastructure as well as thoughtful, responsible development for its current and future citizens. To accomplish this, it is necessary to assure quality development through uniform performance standards for the design and construction of the Township’s infrastructure. To that end the Township adopted uniform standards for building construction and land use development. These standards outline specific requirements that must be incorporated into into your development plans.
The Township’s Standards for Development and Construction is a guide for Land Use planning and Engineering Design, including Construction Specifications and Details.
The 2030 Comprehensive Plan was created in the early years of the 21st century to guide decisions about the future needs of rapidly growing Scott County. The Plan includes a shared vision of our future in the face of projected population growth and ongoing societal, economic, demographic, and environmental change. This Plan establishes goals, policies and strategies intended to address the needs of people and balance the complex relationships between land use, transportation, public services, natural resources, and infrastructure in a manner that can manage the impacts of growth while helping achieve our common 2030 Vision.
The Scott County Board of Commissioners adopted the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update on March 24th, 2009. On October 25th, 2011, and December 18th, 2012, minor amendments were adopted. The entire document is available for review.
2040 Comprensive Plan
The 2040 Comprehensive Plan for Scott County was adopted by the County Board on June 18, 2019. The plan builds upon the 40 years of long-range planning history that has guided the growth and development of one of Minnesota’s fastest growing counties. It sets goals, policies and recommendations for land use, transportation, utilities, recreation, natural resources, farmland preservation, economic development, housing, public health and safety, and livable communities.

Policies and Ordinances Affecting Land Development
The “Standards for Development and Construction” provides the essential guide for Land Use planning and Building Design. But local Policies and Ordinances also regulate property development.
(A complete list of Board-issued Policies and Township Ordinances can be found on the Government page.)
Scott County Building Permit
Storm Water Management
Scott Soil and Water Conservation District
Minnesota Water — Let’s Keep it Clean