Living in Spring Lake Township
Building Permits/Township Approval Form
Building permits are required in Spring Lake Township. They are administered by the County. Building permits are required to ensure that minimum construction standards—established by the Minnesota State Building Code—are met. These standards provide minimum safeguards for property protection and personal welfare by guiding the design and construction of buildings and regulating their structural, mechanical, and material requirements — all dependent upon how they are used and occupied.
Scott County currently requires that all building permit applications be executed online. For more information, see the County Document Center.
Township Approval Form
Policies and Ordinances Affecting Home Owners
(A complete list of Board-issued Policies and Township Ordinances can be found on the Government page.)
Electronic Funds Transfer Request Form
Special Use Permit/Agreement Application
Peddler and Solicitor Permit Application
Storm Water Management
Scott Soil and Water Conservation District
Minnesota Water — Let’s Keep it Clean
Driveway and Culvert Construction Regulation
Ordinance 14-001
Firearms Discharge near Spring Lake and Howard Lake
Ordinance 16-001
Nuisance Animals
Ordinance 22-001
Nuisance Trees Ordinance
Ordinance 11-001
Peddler and Solicitor Ordinance
Ordinance 24-001
Regulating Boat Slips and Docks
Ordinance 21-001
Right of Way Regulation
Ordinance 06-004
Sewer and Water Connection Charges
Ordinance 08-001
Township Fee Schedule
Ordinance 14-003
Weed and Lawn Maintenance
Ordinance 08-002